Smart businesses analyze and determine precisely what their average "shrinkage" loss is, and then try to spend exactly up to that amount to prevent it, and not a dollar more. Any amount OVER that is simply another expense to plan on, a cost of doing business, exactly the same as electric bill, rent, salary, etc., and price your product accordingly for expected sales in order to make a profit.

Emotion aside, spending $10 in more anti-theft effort to save $1 of add'tl theft is just bad business... but that doesn't mean a lot of business don't do it anyway (for "moral" reasons or just because the don't know any better, or don't have good enough data to know any better).

I suspect casino management falls into this latter category...


P.S. Honestly, I often see ploppies who stick to about 97% of correct basic strategy, without much help... and with a little discussion I believe a pretty good chunk of those folks CAN be convinced to do the right thing on that last 3% they're not sure about! Contrary to all the usual AP-ploppy bashing that goes on, I really believe many casual players CAN do better, they want to win, they CAN understand the MATH if only they had a little help! Or, I dunno, yeah maybe I'm too optimistic about 'em... LOL

P.P.S. Oh, of course... goes without saying there's NO HELPING some IDIOTS who just wanna gamble and do wild & crazy stuff just for the sh1ts & giggles of it. Guy I saw last week split 3's against a ten with a big bet out, and nothing anyone could say to him would dissuade him, LOL. SOME people just LIKE to LOSE I guess... even IF I think a lot of plop's are not beyond hope