Quote Originally Posted by 21gunsalute View Post
no one in their right mind would take you up your terms of "buying the surrender" because they gain nothing by doing so, are letting themselves be taken advantage of (doing the work for someone else who is earning all the profits while the "seller" is losing money) and are slowing down the game.
You are waaaay off base with this comment. Most people play to have fun and could care less about game speed or another player getting a chance to win as long as it doesn't hurt them. Even if it does too many will play along even at a cost. You are using an AP mindset and trying to place that on nonAP's. If you let this attitude leak out at the tables you are tipping your hand. If someone says can I buy your surrender and you are unwilling to do it that raises no eyebrows but if your response is to try to take advantage of a player only trying to keep your mistake on the players ledger rather than the casino's you have tipped anyone off that you are an AP. This is exactly why offering to buy surrenders is a bad idea. The flip side is bartering to get a partner is a bad idea. Both for the exact same reasons.

As for my comments on team play your attitude here on this offer from another player shows a lack of team thought process. If all the sudden you decide you have nothing to gain from the team for whatever reason you seem to be indicating that you would find terms that did work to your advantage. I don't know about others but that would make me very suspicious of a teammate with that attitude. You must assess what people are capable of by their previous history. You showed you would not work to benefit another unless you got something out of it. That would be a great concern to me. I wish you would just drop this. Most people see things the way I am seeing them as this thread indicates. You are not helping yourself by continuing.

Most people see you as either totally wrong or in a tremendous minority of people by thinking that you should never allow a fellow BJ player to have an advantage that costs you nothing but rather would try to take advantage of him in hopes he didn't know what he was doing. The offer made to you cost you nothing. You get your price either way. The trouble of a tap on the felt or a waive of the hand following another's direction can be donated as the rate for that should be less than a penny. The counter offer you make is a clear attempt to take advantage of another player. That is all I need to know about who you are when assessing whether or not I can trust you. Fortunately for you others may feel differently and see your need to squeeze out every advantage from any source even another player as a big plus. I would be worried you would seek advantage from me if you were my partner.