Okay so lets see if I understand this all correctly. I will react to dealer Ace card according to "american basic strategy" and react to Ten cards according to "european" basic strategy.
But since the Ace card wont hurt my double downs and splits, in the event she has a blackjack, should I then go against the norm and double down all 11's (i.e. 7/4, 8/3, etc.)???
Because only my original bet would lose, my double down bet would be refunded back to me?
I'm also curious to know if there are any other double down or split hands, I could do vs the Ace showing.
Again remember this is like a half american/european blackjack rules.
Another thing this casino will let you do is when you split your Aces you then can double down following the split.
So say she has an Ace showing, and I have a pair of Aces, I would split and then immediately double down my hands and then draw a card for each Ace. So I'm still not sure what the overall house edge is. I dont count cards, but play perfect strategy blackjack.
6 deck shoe, S17, early surrender, no peek (ENHC), DAS, etc.