Tthree, I absolutely agree that IF these charity games really DO give money to worthy charitable causes, they should not be attacked.

But, y'know, I have my suspicions about 'em. Wouldn't be the first time that some sleazy outfit was hiding behind the word "charity" to fleece the public.

No idea how to find out about any of these places, one way or the other, however. I suppose you could ask them. But then again if they're a sleazy ripoff setup they're not gonna tell you so, are they? LOL

If someone really wanted to use a place like this for card counting practice but felt bad about MAYBE taking money from a charity, obvious solution would be to go ahead and play, hit 'em as hard as you want, but then take all your winnings and DIRECTLY donate it to some charity of your choice that you KNOW is legit!

Problem solved.