Sweet. I started working on my own, just for fun (and learning).

The way I'm doing it is there'd be a USERS, CASINOS, GAMES, and SESSIONS table. A user can create a casino (location, property owner, etc.) Then for each casino he can create a game (or mutiple games). A "game" is a set of rules and spread, as well as what the EV is for that game. When a user inputs a new session, he chooses which casino it was, then from there it shows which games are at that casino. He puts in win/loss, date, time, length, heat, expenses, and "extra info".

When viewing all sessions/bankroll over time, he can choose either to view all sessions, all sessions from a specific casino, all sessions from a specific property owner (ie: "all stations casinos" or "all MGM properties", whatever), or all sessions of a specific game of a specific casino. Also would be able to specify over a period of dates, etc.

When viewing the sessions played, it would also show how close he is to actual EV.

Of course, that's all stuff that I just have planned right now, and have only begun creating the database schema, forms, etc.