Player edge given first card Ace

6dks, S17, DOA, DAS, RS=4, NRSA

A vs 2 = 59.3161088%
A vs 3 = 61.6339049%
A vs 4 = 64.3913026%
A vs 5 = 67.8204449%
A vs 6 = 71.4098707%
A vs 7 = 65.8827197%
A vs 8 = 59.7156369%
A vs 9 = 51.3050514%
A vs T = 35.6727214%
A vs A = 12.0977045%

Average expectation = 50.4818176923%

6dks, S17, DB9, DAS, RSA and ENHC

A vs 2 = 59.9203561119%
A vs 3 = 61.7843869923%
A vs 4 = 63.7320845466%
A vs 5 = 65.9114286945%
A vs 6 = 68.5124451875%
A vs 7 = 66.6872745608%
A vs 8 = 60.4967020726%
A vs 9 = 52.0503552227%
A vs T = 36.3361141020%
A vs A = 11.6781%

Average expectation = 50.4705838302%

I want to thank Mr. Cacarulo for letting me ?steal? him, the EV tables and prob. of
occurrences for the American rules to find the average expectations 2 through 9.
A vs T and A vs A have been modified, due to the danger of the dealer ending with a
Natural. The European expectations are my entire responsability, obviously.
I hope you like this ?soft double vs rsa? fight with an amazing final result.
