We have sims purporting to show that Zen's Insurance advantage over Halves (Doubled) is so large, that it turns an across-the-board disadvantage into an across-the-board advantage.

Can this be?

Is this how one should look at the issue:?

Key card tags in play for Insurance index:

Ace: Zen -1 Halves -2
10 Zen -2 Halves -2
9 Zen 0 Halves -1

Most important thing for Insurace is knowledge of 10's

For this, Halves is worse two ways: counts ace same as 10, and counts 9 in with 10's, so the 10's richness can be "polluted" with excess aces and 9's.

Zen will never be "polluted" by 9's , and excess aces will only pollute at half the rate of Halves.

So Havles will have you taking Insurance when you shouldn't, and with bigger bets out there.