I have appreciated Hollywood's candor in describing his style of play.

While inadvertently helping me notice a gross error I was making when splitting to two hands, he has shown me again that the K.I.S.S. method of doing just about anything is still the watch word of the day.

Hollywood plays KO -not the most sophisticated of counts.

Hollywood's bread and butter is 6D shoes.

Hollywood only spreads 1:10

Hollywood dosen't ST or back-count.

But Hollywood wins by employing the most basic of principles.

He knows a fundamentally sound game inside and out, employs good money management, keeps good records, looks for the right conditions within the constraints he has to play under. He knows his own limitations.

How re-freshing for me, to see once again, that while knowing the 205th index out to the last 5 decimals is certainly important -that's not at all what it takes to win big.

Thanks man for the reality check.