Is it realistic to find 6dk in LV green play max bet $300 80% pen LS and politely refuse member card and comps, not act as if I cannot handle soft hands, not act indecisive on automatics, not give sloppy signals, take insurance when I should except always even money, hit S18, only sprinkle cam on 12 vs. 4, 9 vs 2 and sometimes D10 or 11 vs. A "prematurely" (actually to jump start the ramp). If not could I find maybe 75% pen? Could I play for any longer than an hour? I can fumbl;e my chips really well and do a hunch act, but I'll bet that won't hold up for long at $25-300. I've been spoiled playing this way at low stakes. What can I get away with. Any tips or critique?