Thankyou for your patience and insight in distinguishing the differences between +1 & +2 for BC entry play. The rules I play under in the Midwest are not so generous as LV. I now expect to enter play sooner without hanging around as much...and...less threat to the camo.

I am beginning a new post because of two questions which I need answering before arriving in the "Mecca" next week. First of all, should I refrain from playing in the hotel I am staying at inorder to mitigate the chances of having real information on me becoming available to interested and/or suspicious parties? If that were true I would pick a hotel that has games I don't want to play (courtesy of Trackjack). I don't have false identities to use.

Secondly, can I use $50 (two green) as my basic unit and spread this to six or $300.00 or are the units always determined by the color of the chip? I note that when playing a min.$10 table I must use two red and when I spread 6x I have $60 out (in various colors of course).

I ask this because when I make an off the top bet of 2x and I win and the count goes up, I might want to treat this as a one unit bet and double it at TC2 (TC1 for DD). I would then be playing 12 green (or 4 green, 2blk) at 6x. On the other hand, I could take a risk averse approach when loosing off the top and, on a falling count, play one green as one unit to a max of 6. This question assumes that I have the proper bank for $50 units.

Will the house view this as a 1-12 spread regardless? Obviously if they do it could raise flags that might injure my camo needlessly.
