> Re: #7

> I forgot to add that being the Ombudsman for this
> social event requires you to fly as often as need be
> to you know where to acquire said barbeque. A
> Gulfstream IV jet will be at your beck and call for
> this and any other activity you deem necessary. The
> co-owner of said barbeque establishment has graciously
> offered to personally assist you with this task,
> including flying to Vegas with fresh product. Still
> gonna be busy counting cards?

Well, I don't know (scratches chin in deep thought)......

You didn't mention anything about a limo or a massuese as of yet. Hey, it's a hard job that you have offered me, one that would require a lot of personal effort, and at my age I don't move as quickly as I once did, thus the need for the aformentioned services. I will hastily concede that the thought of the co-owner of the said barbeque's "personal assistance" did manage to get my attention (wiping sweat from brow and feeling goosebumps on arms).

I'll have to see if you are willing to up the ante a little more, pal. If you happen to visit the said barbeque establishment before I do, please tell the co-owner I said "hello", by all means. And while you're at it, tell her that her jugs are the best.

......And before you start thinking anything badly of me, I'm talking about jugs of that great barbeque sauce, dammit.

:-) :-)
