Maybe some of you Vegas residents can confirm this: I was at the Fremont last week Tuesday or Wednesday nite about 10, (it's all a blur), watching my girlfriend shove money into a slot machine, when all the lights went out! And I mean all of them; there were no safety lights, it was pitch black for about 10 seconds. There was a collective gasp from everyone in the casino, and then slowly everything went back on. It was creepy, 'cause within half a minute, everything was back to normal, as though nothing had happened. I couldn't see the blackjack tables from where I was, but could only imagine the terror from the pit crew with all the money laying around in the dark. I don't think it was dark long enough for anyone to take advantage of the casino, but I could only imagine what would have happened if the lites had been out for a minute or more. In my business here, we're required by law to have battery powered backup exit lites that flip on the second the power goes off. I guess that's not the case in Vegas. From where I stood, it was totally black in all directions. Weird. BTW, even though the slot machine my girlfriend was playing went totally dark, when it came back on, it still showed the credits she had, much to her relief.