For anyone new in town, or visitors who are looking for some holiday spirit in this town (harder to find than a lazy front-loading dealer), I thought I'd let you know about a few attractions around town.

One really cool holiday attraction is at the Ethel M. Chocolate Factory in Henderson. They have a cactus garden that is nearly smothered in lights. This is a free thing - just park and walk around the garden. This would probably be especially cool for small kids, since the lights are all at their level instead of above their heads. The garden is at the corner of Sunset Ave and Sunset Way.

Near there, at the corner of Sunset Ave and Eastern Ave (SE corner of the airport), is the Festival of Lights, or something like that. It's a drive-through light exhibit. Pack the car - it's $10 during the week and $12 on the weekends, though some gently used items for Goodwill will get you $2 off of the admission. This is only it's third year, but it seems to be getting bigger every year. 5 million lights and two light tunnels this year - it looks nice enough. (I'd probably be more enthusiastic if I didn't come from a city that hosts an absolutely massive light festival that takes over the entire town every year.)

There's also a light festival sponsored by Opportunity Village, but I don't have any information on that simply because it's on the opposite side of town from where I live so I won't be headed there.

If anyone else has any other attractions, I'd love to hear about it. Just post it here for everybody to read!

Happy Holidays!