I ran around 30 simulations for wonging with KO-P experimenting with different entry and exit points. The best I could come up with is the counter wonging in at RC = -2 and exiting at -8 (assuming 6 round lag), yielding a SCORE of 43.26. This is for AC rules with 6D.

If CVData supported departing while observing a shoe (assume 6 round lag time), by about what % would SCORE improve? Clearly, EV would improve from playing a few more rounds per hour, but SCORE is not EV. While EV increases, SD will also increase right along with it. If both EV and SD increase by the same proportion, then SCORE would technically remain the same, correct?

According to the BJA3 ODP study on Table 13.9 under "Shoes Never Entered" for WiWo 4.5/6(lag) it says 57.26%. On pg 354 this row is explained, "...tells us how many shoes get ditched while we're just watching...". So, 57% of shoes are abandoned while we are simply observing. If the % is so high, it makes me wonder how my simulation WR/SCORE would have been affected if this feature was added to CVData.

Anyway, I hope this drives home the importance of including departure points/lag times while observing. I don't know how far down it is on the list, but hopefully it gets bumped up a few spots. :-)