> CVCX is trying to create an optimal betting ramp which
> matches all of your input. It has to balance between
> the demands of a set RoR and set min chip size. It is
> not possible to create a ramp that results in exactly
> the requested RoR while requiring the requested min
> chip size. So it makes compromises. Now when you force
> a new min bet that is not a multiple of the min chip
> size; it is getting contradictory demands. It also may
> find that the change forces a substantially different
> min bet in order to remain reasonably close to the
> requested RoR. So there is a large swing in min bet
> size that occurs at some point in penetration and/or
> spread and/or bankroll, etc. That is, the curves are
> no longer smooth but become ratcheted. If you reduce
> the min chip size to 1, the ratcheting will go away.

I still don't see why that should affect the CUSTOM SE for WR. If anything, it should affect optimal SE WR. We aren't even making any changes in the CUSTOM schedule, so why should SE for custom WR be affected? Did you notice how it jumped from $5.69 to $18 when Manually Adj Min Bet is set to $126? Perhaps you misunderstood what I was explaining. Double check CUSTOM SE WR.