With 300+ hours of play this year at my local Indian casino, I've come up with a list of advice from a counters perspective. Hope any of you can relate.

1. Learn to keep cool. When a ploppy or group of ploppies bitch and whine when you hit your hard 12 vs 3 which gives the dealer a hand that should have busted, just keep quiet. Don't let their B.S. incompetence expose you as a skilled player in front of the dealer. I tend to fire back with science to shut them up, when I should just keep quiet and take their sh*t.

2. Try to avoid playing the tables with players you recognize as regulars. Nothing worse than the regulars saying that you're a "genius" and that "he never loses", in front of the dealer and PC mind you.

3. Be kind to the ploppies. After all, they are paying you your secondary income, not the Indians. We can't exist without them. It's symbiotic...actually, it's not. It's one way!

4. I know this is a red button issue, but if you're winning, tip the dealers. I personally believe the PCs know I'm an AP, yet they tolerate me and "look the other way," because I tip the dealers generously.

5. Don't act like a robot. I admit I need to act more human and less like a stoic Russian, especially when I win a big hand that normal ploppies would be screaming at the top of their lungs.

6. Keep a bottle of Visine in your pocket. Clear vision = crisp counting = less fuzzy math.