I've been wrestling with the notion of team bank management myself as of late, though I am most decidedly a solo player. Simply, I find the task of "mapping" a team/bank one of insight and clever data compilation, ultimately lending itself to a greater understanding of perhaps already "mastered" concepts, like NO, standard deviation, the oft-misunderstood E.V., and the increasingly misused SCORE (as initially defined by Schlesinger).

My advice is simply to gather the proper tools and study the game. The game of 21, as the name suggests, is ENTIRELY ONE OF MATHEMATICS, of FACT and THEORY, and some facets of possible applications utilize abstract mathematics. Unlike hitting a ball with a bat, you can't simply map your bank's 'trajectory' based on how you will approach the mechanics of your 'swing', at least with sufficient accuracy to be as difinitive as it seems you would like, OP. But many figures ARE attainable, and a projection of value to your situation is realistic, with effort. Tools that could help your cause may be: simulation software, but don't cheap-out - the best is such for good reason(!); on-line forum archived threads, blogs, and websites could, with adequate perusal, yield effective information organization methods, alternate reporting methodologies, realistic expectations and/or ranges of results, and possibly even yield useful pre-existing reporting templates; publications, periodicals, or any other written source of topic-related information; and finally, networking.

You have options. Don't be lazy; anything worth it takes time and effort!

Happy hunting, hope I was helpful