Reminds me of the SSR Saga,now we have what seems to have developed into the Salmon Saga. Francis has been around the internet for a decade(I do not know him personally) and it is quite evident he's a BJ veteran,the real thing. He's my friend and so is everybody else(except those darn casino trolls) who has interest of AP blackjack. I'm not sure how the whole ordeal started and dont care to re-read all the rumble,but both parties are guilty in my opinion(which has little value.

No BJ pro likes to be accused of wrong-doing and no BJ expert enjoys being contested. Francis should have restrained his comments,it was obvious he became very upset. On the other hand, others should not have accused him of being flat out wrong,when he's not necessarily wrong. I'm not sure which came first and dont care,but the truth is using exact index numbers has little gain in respect to ev,however,...there is gain, so nobody is wrong. If FS has no problem using his system,then hats off to him.

I would think many of us would like to have Francis around for a long time and hope he does not get barred or leave over this bloated up SAGA. He's probably tired of getting barred
