> Right. That's why you shouldn't use
> half-deck reckoning with a level-one count,
> which I've now said a couple of times. But,
> that has nothing to do with whether a) you
> should use half-deck reckoning for a
> level-two count, or b) whether you should
> use two-deck reckoning for a level-one
> count.

Okay, I'm not the brightest bulb in the string. I need more clarification. I use hi-lo, Ill-18 plus a few others, vs a DD game. I've used CVindex to generate my GAME SPECIFIC indices using half-deck reckoning.

Obviously right off the bat, I divide the RC by 2 to get a TC (i.e., RC of 2 divided by 2 gets me a TC of 1). As I get to the 1/2 deck gone (3/2 remains) I reckon the RC to TC using the 2/3 multiplier so a RC of 6 is a TC of 4. At 1 deck or below, I just keep the TC and RC the same (the game I play is a 60% MGM-Mirage cut slot placement, 60% is it). Why is reckoning that middle level with 3/2 decks remaining hurting my TC calculation using hi-lo? Remember, simple words: I'm an idiot. Thanks.