Thank you to the people who provide this page, along with all the generous information and excellent products.

Bankroll swings: One can read or be told something, but will never believe it until it happens to oneself. The extent of the wins and losses in this game are extreme. The wins convey euphoria, confidence, and much satisfaction. The loses shake you to the core of your bankroll, and make you serioulsly question whether you should be playing this game. Maintaining a clear perspective is as difficult as maintaining one's bankroll. The mental strength to survive this game's swings requires more effort and stamina than I ever anticipated.

Myths: I know all of the myths are just that. However, it is still annoying that other players are discourteous, impolite, and just plain rude. If one knows the proper play at the time is to hit your Ace/7 vs dealer 10, then dealing with ignorant verbalizers who make it a point to either embarass the player, or show their expertise, requires a skin thicker than the average person. The "You took the dealers break card" crowd is relentless. If one is not inclined to enter into a disagreement like this, then the only alternative is to change tables when the deck becomes negative. These incidents do affect one's composure and playing ability. It is unfortunate.