It's been a little over 2 months since I started playing basic strategy and logging my results. I'm currently up $75 total in my 29 outings, 3350 hands, and 42 hours. My bank is now $340.

The local game I usually play is 6D, H17, DA2, DAS, NS, $3 min.

The last few times I've been out, I've been able to raise my bets a little because of the positive counts. I've also started wonging out of really bad shoes. So far, I've started with $3 bets, gone to $4 with counts from -3 to 0, $5 from +1 to +4, and once or twice I've bet $6 on higher counts. I've also been taking insurance at +3.

I realize that I'm still playing a negative expectation game with that tiny 1-2 spread, but I don't think I have the bankroll to support anything much higher without a high risk of ruin. I also lose count quite often, and have to continue the count with a conservative estimate.

Two questions:

How do you recommend I say the count in my head? When it's real negative, I just say to myself the number only, or maybe even "negative 15" or something. I've heard you're supposed to say M15 to yourself to indicate minus. I do get a little confused around the 0 mark when the count keeps going between positive and negative.

My other question is what should be my max bet considering my tiny bankroll? I currently add about $5 to it each outing to make up for the negative EV and ensure it grows. I'm going to reread the KO book sections about kelly betting, but for now I want to be super conservative because my counting skills still need a lot of work.

