> Ola'!

> You are right .. but the OK Native Americans
> don't feel they have any other legal way to
> deal the game. They are operating under a
> restricted gaming license from the state.

> The state legislation they are playing
> under, most believe, only allows them to
> collect the ante for providing the house,
> the dealers, the cards and related
> equipment. Theoretically, they are not
> banking the game. The profits that move from
> your pocket to the chip rack by the winning
> and losing of the bets is to be paid back to
> the patrons in various forms (tournaments,
> give-aways, etc.)

That being the case, I would think the a player MAY be able to get away with a little less heat, am I right?

What about those casinos in California that do the same thing. Some there collect an ante, as well. Are they under the same situations?

Thanks for the clarification.