Returned from our long awaited UP trip a couple days ago.Mama bear and I rented an RV for the first time. We stayed mostly in Mich. state camp grounds. All were very seanic and clean. After crossing the big bridge and setting up camp I hit the nearby store but found unplayable conditions so I returned the next AM. After two hours of aggresive spreading I left up 39 units. spent the next two days fishing with no luck then headed for the locks for some sightseeing. Played the store by the big shore with the big windows for 2 hours.Found the pen to be very dealer dependant.thats why I cut the session short with a 1 unit win and headed to the falls for more sightseeing and such. From there we went to the big rocks for the last couple days. Found the place near there to have an outstanding game and played about 5 hours,cashing in a 22 unit win. All in all a very good trip. Thanks to Ouchez and E Kid for the help. I highly recommend this form of travel and play to anyone so inclined. Regards, Jack.