
I live in the UK and obviously I have to contend with the "No Hole Card" concept where dealer takes ALL bets.

In your 3rd edition of BJA on page 490 you very kindly have a BS for us Brits.....AND I am very grateful for that.

I am asuming that to use something like Table D1 which, using EOR, helps with playng decisions when Dealer's Upcard is an Ace (S17).....Is going to be inaccurate due to my potential "Double Loss" when I split against a pending BJ from the dealer.....?

So that is proabaly bad news for me.....

However, I am rather hoping that you can confirm that I can still use the table in trying to evaluate my "Betting Advantage".....?

I am aware that, according to page 493, for a 6D S17, European No Hole Card, I am disadvantaged by -0.109. Can I just substract that value from the result that I calculate using m6 and the cards that have been removed....? Or is it more complicated than that.....?

Basically, I was wondering how I can calculate by "Betting Advantage" using EOR when I have no hole card and potentially could lose more than my initial stake...?

Thank You.
