Would it make any sense for an investor to back a solo card counter who would play once a week for 6 months at roughly 5 hours/trip? The card counter's style is strictly WiWo and would play to around 0.5 kelly. The table minimum is $25. AC rules would apply.

26 weeks of play boils down to 130 hrs of backcounting at around 60 hands dealt per hour. Do you think that there is a reasonable chance for the wonger to be ahead after 6 months of play?

Once the bank is broken, is a 50/50 split for player/investor fair once expenses have been deducted? Take a case where the investor puts up $20k. Let us say that it takes 40 trips to the casino to win $10k (break bank). Expenses work out to be $2k. $10k - $2k = $8k. NOW, does it make sense for the player and investor to each receive $4k? If you think about it, the investor's ROI = 40%, not bad. If it required 80 trips to break bank, then the expenses would be doubled and the ROI for the investor would be 30%.

Some might say that the investor should be compensated based upon the Gross win rather then Net win; he should receive 50% of 10k rather than 50% of 8k. What do you think?

Is it better to break bank based upon a designated time period, after a goal has been reached, or whichever comes first?

Of course, all of this assumes the wonger will be ahead after 130 hours of wonging. I am uncertain what N0 would be for this particular situation. Is this even worthwhile or is it more or less gambling for the investor due to the limited time factor?
