> What about splitting 10s vs 5 and 6? Do you
> consider these 2 plays to be in the top 4
> indice plays excluding insurance for KO?

> The KO authors never provided indice values
> for the 10 splits due to heat
> considerations. Nevertheless I am
> considering implementing them in hopes of
> gaining additional EV. Would this be a
> worthwhile addition? If so would it be
> difficult to set up a SIM to generate the
> indice values for these 2 plays? Thanks for
> any further help.

You don't need a sim. In the reduced, rounded matrix spirit of KO, just split them against dealer 5 or 6 at/above the pivot point. If you want to fine-tune it a little, split against a 5 at/above (pivot+1). You could run a sim for the exact game conditions, but I'm betting that this would be within an integer, and the gain from using the exact indexes would be insignificant.

Getting away with it is another matter entirely. As discussed elsewhere in this thread, splitting 10's is arguably the strategy deviation most likely to draw heat.