> I thought BJRM Systems 101 gives index
> values based upon penetration in RC mode.
> That is NOT what I'm looking for.

Use the number for the average penetration, midway through the number of decks dealt. How far off can that be? Otherwise, I can't help you. What's published is published and what isn't, isn't!

> I would
> like the I-18 Fab4 "one index fits
> all" that John used for his SIM. If I
> understand you correctly then there
> shouldn't be more then 22 index plays for
> the strategy.

John isn't publishing those, from what I understand. I suggest you infer them from Systems 101.

> You write below John isn't going to publish
> the indices. Now your saying they are
> available on BJRM Systems 101? Sorry Don I'm
> confused. :-)

See above. Systems 101 also has the TKO indices. You'll have to settle for what is readily available. Alternatively, maybe you should be over at DD, where someone would likely generate a set of indices for you.
