I hope life is finding you and your wife in the best of health.

As you probably hear often when in earshot of advantage players, I too would like to thank you for your tireless work, as well as your courage both in testing your system, and of course, sharing it with the world.

Thank you.


I think it would be of great interest to learn how you came to make the decisions you made, as well as the many relationships that clearly were entered into at that most interesting of times, both for casinos and gamblers.

Is there a "tell all" type biography in the works? It would be a very fascinating read, and one I would be certain to devour. I would hope that if there isn't, that you'd reconsider. And if there is, and I truly hope so, a date for publication?

Thanks again. There are a lot of people, both inside and out of the casino industry that owe many debts of gratitude.

Best Wishes to you Professor.