I have been meaning to make this suggestion for a while but it always gets put off. Well here goes...

Not too long ago I was playing BJ at Foxwoods. This was a great opportunity to put my KO counting skills to the test and see how far I had come. I was struggling to keep up with this one dealer as she was pretty quick in dealing the cards. Anyway on one hand she actually stood on multi-card 16 thinking she had 17!! I didnt realize it at the time because I was too busy counting the cards rather then adding the dealers total. The guy sitting next to me then said "Wait a minute you need to take another hit!" I then realized the dealer accidentally stood on 16! She then took another hit and busted. The lady sitting next to me then said "I never add the dealers total." The point here is that players might lose money at the tables because of this type of dealer mistake. This error of standing on 16 is just as valid as any other dealer error such as a payoff error, busting a good player's hand, or not paying a winning hand. I think the next version of CVBJ should include a "Dealer stood on 16" error.

Another dealer error which should be incorporated is when a dealer busts but doesnt realize it and think they have a pat hand. For example, a dealer might get a hard 22 but due to carelessness they think they have 21. Maybe a counter is too preoccupied counting(or not paying attention) so they fail to realize it. When this type of mistake goes undetected ALL the players suffer because they would have won(provided they were still in the round.

I bet both these errors occur more often then we realize and cut into everyone's BR. What do you think?