Hey gang,

I'm working on the next catalog, and have been doing a lot of research into new titles to add to our star line-up. In the course of doing so, I've come across some info I thought I'd pass along.

Blackbelt in Blackjack by Snyder, originally scheduled to come out November 1, isn't at the printer's yet. Most printers only need a month, but the woman I spoke with isn't sure it'll be ready by then.

BTW, Big Book of Blackjack isn't even on this woman's radar, so I have no clue what's going on there.

Brunson is putting out Super System 2, a completely new title, and that should be out in January. We will, by the way, be carrying the original Super System, and I should have it in about 2 weeks.

I've added Fred Renzey's 77 Ways to Get the Edge at Casino Poker: Playing and Beating the Best to our catalog, and it, too, should arrive in about 2 weeks.

A LOT of new poker titles will be out in the next 6 months or so, and we will not be carrying all of them. Names we know and trust, like Mike Caro, Mike Capelleti (I think I misspelled that), and a new book on no-limit through Malmuth's company. If you think that we overlook one as we continue to expand our poker offerings, please let me know so that I can bring it up with our poker panel (people I know and trust to help me make decisions on what poker books to carry).
