> BTW, the class I took Al Rogers was there
> and he thought it was great and simple. His
> post is on their site as well.

He said nothing of the sort. Here is the entire "review" verbatum from the GTB website:

"I took the Golden Touch Blackjack course in Las Vegas last weekend, and was pleasantly surprised. It was held at a non-casino location, but with regulation tables, chips, and cards for the students to practice with. The instructors did a thorough job with their presentation, and there was plenty of time for practice. The instructors were patient and informative, and I believe that all the students felt they got more than their money's worth."

Now, let's parse this a bit. He was "pleasantly surprised." He does not say what caused him to be pleasantly surprised. Perhaps he thought the instructors would not show up.

Or, perhaps he found it surprising that they had "regulation tables, chips, and cards for the students to practice with." I don't find this surprising at all. After collecting nearly a grand apiece from the students, the least that they could do is rent some equipment.

"The instructors did a thorough job with their presentation, and there was plenty of time for practice." In other words, they didn't have enough material to fill up a two day seminar.

"The instructors were patient and informative". Note that his comments pertain strictly to the instructors themselves, not the subject matter presented. A few years ago I attended a seminar on making money in the stock market. The instructors there were also "patient and informative." However, the system they were pitching was worthless.

"I believe that all the students felt they got more than their money's worth." I'm sure that they did. This merely indicates that the scamme-, I mean, instructors, did a good job of selling them the system. Note there is not even a hint here, or anywhere in the "review" of what Al's own opinion of the system might be.

I must admit that I am impressed. Al is truly a master of tact and diplomacy. This "review" manages to leave the reader with a warm fuzzy feeling while saying absolutely nothing. Al's talents are being wasted at BJ21 -- he should be in politics.

He's got my vote.