Yes, folks, it is true. Advance copies of the book arrived at our offices today, and they are so beautiful I nearly peed myself with excitement! They are everything that we hoped they'd be - bright pages for maximum legibility, a lay-flat style so that you don't have to weight the book down while reading it, and a very cool retro design reminiscent of 50's textbook style we were looking for (that's thanks to Viktor's impeccable design).

It's so truly gorgeous, that I don't want to remove mine from it's shrinkwrap - we've been poring over Viktor's copy, in awe of what we've created! I can't find it at this moment, but in one of the thousands of emails exchanged between Don and Viktor and I, Don once wrote something to the effect of "How will anyone ever know the amount of work that went into this book?"

As Viktor said just seconds ago, "People are going to shit their pants when they see how good this looks!"

Be forewarned.

Bettie (twirling around in giddy delight)!