Played at a Northeast casino for a few hours today... and I couldn't believe the ignorance of the players, dealers, bosses, etc. Heard such wisdom as "never double against a face!" "You took my card ... you took the dealer's bust card," and "the dealer makes a pat hand 90 percent of the time when none of the players take a hit..." Talk about selective memory! Everyone rememebers when the dealer shows the 6 on a negative count, no one hits, and bam, dealer gets 21. No players doubled soft hands, few doubled 11s, 10s and 9s properly, understood splits, etc. It's too bad such foolish activity occurs, but at the same time, I wonder if advanced players thrive on the idiots. Without ploppies giving away 3 percent, casinos might not tolerate perfect BS players, nonetheless counters with any size bankrolls. Yes, counters will win money from the big casinos - but it's money that once belonged to the guy who split 6s against the dealer's 9.

I wonder about education and have a question for you all. Should (is there a responsibiity for) BJ math scholars and counters to educate common gamblers about BJ truths, or quite the opposite: should we keep our "secrets" to ourselves lest people don't begin playing well that casinos must adopt even worse BJ rules? The issue isn't black and white, so please elaborate on proper middle grounds, if any.