RGE isn't afraid of their own website (the free pages) like some other websites. We have access to Don S. whether we are a member of Don's Domain or not. I like that. In my opinion, RGE runs a much better site due to it's "no tolerance of shit" attitude - especially on the free pages. As Don pointed out some time ago about BJ21 "the lunatics are running the asylum over there". I'm glad that RGE doesn't feel they need to worry about the "free pages" having to much quality. Clearly, RGE makes it work.

The following was posted on BJ21 by Stanford Wong Re: getting rid of the free pages at BJ21.

"BJ21 is financially stable: It brings in enough revenue to cover its expenses. That's important in assuring longevity. Most of BJ21's revenue is membership dues. Your $49 a year is important -- it's what keeps BJ21 alive. I want memberships to continue to be attractive enough to support the site. The chief competition for green chip has always been the free pages of BJ21. I want green-chip pages to be more attractive than their free-page counterparts. Requring passwords for posting on the free pages might result in raising the quality of the free pages. That might cause a problem if paying members desert green chip in favor of the free pages. Several posts in this thread make the point that some free pages are superior to their green-chip counterparts. I think that is unfortunate, and requiring passwords for posting on the free pages could worsen the situation."