I found a game with spanish decks and special rules.

6D, with A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,J,Q,K, without 10s.
dealer does not take a hole card, you lose all against a bj, but any 21 pays at once, including against dealer?s picture and ace (i.e. dealer does not check for bj first). any BJ, 678, 777 and 21 with 5 or more cards pays at once 3/2. the bonus is always 3/2, no matter if with 5, 6 or more cards.
surrender against 10 is early, no surrender initially against ace, but surrender after double against any card.
double on 3 or more cards and surrender after double, including against ace. any 21 pays at once after double or split, too, including against picture and ace.
i think surrender on 3 cards, but i am not sure, was not able to test it yet.
i think hit aces after split possible, but not sure.
maximum is 50$ and maximum 3 boxes per player.
is the game better or worse than "normal" spanish blackjack? shall i double 11 against ace?
thanks in advance