Quote Originally Posted by 21forme View Post

Look here: http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-...icare-Taxes%29

KJ - if you haven't been paying your SS and medicare self-employment taxes, you better find an accountant and lawyer, quickly!
I have a good tax guy who specializes in us strange income people. You are right 21, I do pay into SS. That was a mistake on my part. I pretty much figure those programs aren't going to do me any good by the time I get there, so I have dismissed them. I would have been better off saying, there is no company sponsored retirement plan, so you really need to plan for that as well. Actually this retirement part is something I have just started planning for. I put that off for too long. Easy to do, if you have limited money coming in. That is an easy one to push to the back burner and that was the point I was trying to make.