
I'm new around here and this is my first post. I've started playing blackjack and I'm getting used to the basic strategy before I even think about card counting. My local casinos offer ENHC (European No Hold Card); DAS (Double after split); S17 (Dealer stands on soft 17) RAS (Resplitting Aces allowed). Hope I got those right, it's like a new language for a beginner!

Anyway, I'm not great at maths but understand how the BS has been worked out. What I can't seem to find is a BS for different seat positions in my particular game, ENHC. In seat 1 for example my possible next card may not be the card the dealer draws if I don't draw it, but in the last seat my possible next card will be the card the dealer draws if I don't. To illustrate this if I have hard 16 v 7 and the next card is 10,j,q or k then it makes no difference if I draw or not - dealer wins regardless. Any 6,7,8 or 9 busts me but would have left the dealer having to draw another and any A, 2, 3, 4 or 5 improves me but also gives dealer the chance to equal or beat me. It seems counter intuative therefore for me to draw in these situations, but as I say my maths isn't great.

I have seen the link about ENHC, DAS, RAS having a lower EV than the average american game because the european game plays out doubles and splits before the dealer checks his blackjack, but don't know if the EV is affected by the fact that last position 'share' the next card.

Great site btw