Hi all, I have a couple of questions. For those using 2 counts at once do you update both counts simultaneously? For example, I use a level 2 count with A/5 sidecount and at a full table I update my base count and then glance back through to update the A/5 count. Heads up or just one other player then I try to update both counts at once.
Second question is about where I play there is a mixture of games at several different places. Some are hit soft 17 with no surrender, some are stand on soft 17 with no surrender and some are hit soft 17 with late surrender. Do you memorize the indices for hit soft 17 and stand soft 17 both and also for 2 decks vs 6 decks or do you memorize just one set of indices as a compromise?
It seems it would be very easy to confuse the indices between all of the various games.