Hi all. First post here. I have some questions as someone just starting out on this. By background I'm not a gambler, I have kids in college and 2 years ago was the first time I ever stepped into a casino. As a computer programmer I've kind of fallen in love with the analytics of Blackjack, I enjoy the challenge/math more than the gambling part of it. So the challenge of counting is right up my alley.

I've decided that I want to play more often and to play well so I've decided to learn counting and apply it. I've learned the basic chart and been successful enough that I pretty consistently at least break even and recently read "The Blackjack Blueprint", which leaves me with some questions on getting started.

Looking at counts I'm looking for something not too complicated and I'm leaning toward the "knock out" count, but before I invest time in a particular one I'd like any thoughts from people who do this as to what's a good start.

I'm looking at Casino Verite for practice and I think this is where the programmer resides. What is a good/safe download/purchase link and what version should I be looking at?
Any other advice to someone starting this out would be great too. I'm not really looking to be a pro or a high stakes guy, the $5-$25 minimum bet tables is about where I'm at right now.

Thanks in advance!