Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt007 View Post
I ran a few sims with the aforementioned basic strategy, assuming flat betting and using 400 million rounds per sim, to approximate the effects of removal for each rank in both the 1-deck and 6-deck games. Here were my results:

EOR of Ace (1 deck): -0.639%
EOR of 2 (1 deck): +0.248%
EOR of 3 (1 deck): +0.363%
EOR of 4 (1 deck): +0.503%
EOR of 5 (1 deck): +0.666%
EOR of 6 (1 deck): +0.293%
EOR of 7 (1 deck): -0.078%
EOR of 8 (1 deck): -0.195%
EOR of 9 (1 deck): -0.181%
EOR of 10 (1 deck): -0.411%

EOR of Ace (6 decks): -0.082%
EOR of 2 (6 decks): +0.058%
EOR of 3 (6 decks): +0.084%
EOR of 4 (6 decks): +0.106%
EOR of 5 (6 decks): +0.131%
EOR of 6 (6 decks): +0.069%
EOR of 7 (6 decks): -0.002%
EOR of 8 (6 decks): -0.027%
EOR of 9 (6 decks): -0.020%
EOR of 10 (6 decks): -0.051%

I also obtained figures comparable to yours for the overall EV for the 1-deck and 6-deck games via sims: -2.115% and -2.396% respectively.
Hi John,

There's an important point about EORs: they must sum to zero.
If you calculated them through simulations (CVData), you have to set the number of rounds to a specific value.
In 6D, for example, 40 rounds per shoe or fewer. In 1D, 3 rounds or fewer. This is very important to avoid the CCE (Cut Card Effect).
