Hi Guys,
I am a new aspiring AP who is looking to make my inaugural trip to a Casino to actually play Blackjack after about 5 months of training on CV Blackjack. The casino that I’m targeting is the one closest to my home so I want to be able to play there indefinitely and therefore would like to play in a way as to draw minimal heat. This casino offers amazing comps that I would like to exploit which means playing rated. Is this possible to do while spreading 1-16. Or would a spread like this large be sure to result in a backoff or worse. I am trying to gauge whether I should just play unrated or maximize my time there by using heavy cover during negative counts (I plan to play all) and using my full spread once the count calls for a max bet. Another reason I’m considering playing rated is that unrated players are only allowed to play one spot in this casino while rated players have the privilege of playing up to three spots. When I use CVCX to estimate what my win rate would be, playing two hands is definitely the better choice. Would appreciate advice from experienced APs or experts on how you handle this type of scenario. Thanks in advance.