Hello I am new to this forum. This question has probably been asked a million times . Can automatic card shufflers be manipulated and cards arranged by using software ? I am not talking about the continuous shufflers. It seems that there are certain patterns that I see over and over. Double on 11 and get the dreaded Ace. Split Aces and get a 2 or 3 dealer has a 5or6 and rips off a 7 card 21. Then get one 10 value card with a 2-6. I lost 10 straight hands all 12s-16s while busting. Also lost 5 doubles on 11s all in the same shoe different table. Split 8s or 9s 3 times make lets say 19s out of them dealer get 20-21. Ive continued to see this same pattern of cards over and over again It drives me crazy. Practically every other player at the table is just shaking their heads in disbelief. The shoe is a 6 deck shoe can they actually stack the cards via electronic software? I play a very good game and make few if any mistakes most of the time. Am I just imagining this or can manipulation actually take place? I know you go through loosing streaks but practically every time this takes place. I appreciate your input in regards to this question. I'm totally mind boggled by this. Thank You