I have played BJ for over 20 years since my brother-in-laws wife told me she paid for her way through college as an AP and was on a team. Her level of skill amazed me and she used both the Hi-Lo and hi opt 2 ace side count methods I believe. Really great at keeping track of things in her head. Got me interested in playing and started learning more but really never invested a TON of time of into it until this year. Been reading a lot lately, got CVCX software and just been really dedicating a couple of hours every day to memorizaiton and training. My goal is when I retire in a few years that I would travel occasionally around the US and play black jack and see the sights.

Looking for some other AP's in the Twin Cities to meet up and practice with. You can do it online and count and do conversions but it's different in real life as we all know and make sure your basic strategy is on muscle memory and you can keep track of deviations as well.

Using CV Blackjack for practice and training and for CV Data playing around with it mostly to see what it can do but it would be really helpful to find some videos on how to get the most out of CVData. For the level of play I am at now I think CV Data is what I need but I coudl be wrong..

Well, just seeing if anyone is around that I can chat with..