I drove down to Vegas with a couple of work friends (3), none of which count cards but me. Went get into Vegas and like usual (3) split off to "waste money" and I go to "work." I have give or take 4 key spots in the early morning time I can bounce around and get solid hours in, due to the personal and my knowledge on the surveillance shift change gets sloppy around "odd" hours, people show up late/people are tired ect. Mind you it's early morning so not a lot of people are there besides the late night drunks still wondering were their wife is.

One table was dropping into a -5 so I go to another table and within the first 2 decks 8 Deck shoe the count shoots up and stays up and I start winning big and betting 2k 4 hands. All of a sudden a lady sits next to me and starts betting 2k 4 hands like me. I am pretty aware of my surroundings and she wasn't wonging in and no one was around me besides the dealer and pit boss. She stays at 2k till the dealer very softly told her "Ma'am, it's over." So the lady gets up with a shit ton and chips and leaves and I'm still playing with about 1/2 deck left to play before the count starts to drop off.

After which I meet back up with my friends and the 4 of us go to another casino to relax and talk to some old friends before we drive back. We walk into the casino and I see the same lady playing BJ 2k 4 hands. At this point I knew something was off. I gave some cash to a friend to sit down and flat bet and just take notice what she was doing. We leave him be and go off to talk with some friends at the bar. 20 minutes later my friend returns and says she was winning big till the dealer said "Ma'am, it's over" which then she gets up and leaves.

At this point I'm certain she is working on the inside and as I can only imagine a vast bloodline of dealers working with her to signal in when the shoe is hot and signal out when the shoe is dry. I've heard stories about things like this but it caught me off guard to have it happen next to me.
