Sorry if this has been beaten to death already.

I’m a guy who’s blessed (or cursed?) with a baby face. I still look fairly young despite being in my 30’s. I have a lot of casino employees always asking for my ID. Personally I don’t think I look younger than 21, but I’ve had so many excuses for them wanting it, ranging from “you’re so young! That’s lucky for you but we’re going to have to see your ID” to “we get teenage kids coming down from their parents’ rooms in the casino all the time that try to play so we’re going to need to see your ID.” (I didn’t buy that one or give it up then)

I made some odd plays the other day as well as ramping up and down with the count, and upon leaving up in chips as I went to the cage they asked for my ID. I use a 1:8 spread (I’ve simmed it in CVCX and have roughly 1.274% edge with their rule set) but there were some funky plays that ploppies don’t normally play. I didn’t quite know how to handle giving up or not giving up ID- she said it’s just because I look young- so I caved and she put it in a scanner. I tend to cave to these requests because ploppies do and I don’t want to draw attention to myself, but in retrospect I think this was a terrible idea. I’m thinking I will avoid this particular place for a long time until this blows over, which sucks because they have nice rules and amazing pen.

If you were in the same instance, how would you handle this? I’m thinking in the future just avoid the cage entirely after play since this is a local casino, and wait to cash later or have my spouse cash it, but what are some other canned responses I could use or excuses/counter arguments to not have my ID taken when I suspect they’re up to no good with it?