Does anyone else ever feel sorry for ploppies? I typically don't even pay attention to play, only the value of their hands once they stand (or have busted), but one last night caught my attention. He was playing 3rd base at a quarter table and clearly had no concept even of basic strategy; inconsistently standing on 14s vs 9-10 ups, standing on soft 13s vs 10s, hitting hard 15s vs 2-3s, pushing heavily into the poker-based side bets, etc. He didn't look like someone with a lot of disposable income, but kept pulling out Benjamins.

Not sure why I noticed other than it was at the end of a long day of driving and I wasn't really "working" but just relaxing for a while before bed. Once I had a tidy little some to pay for the expenses of the day I got up and headed back to where I was staying. But something about the little guy stuck in my head and made me a bit sad.