I have read a lot of books for beginners interested in blackjack and noticed there is a lot of overlap in their content however I am just wondering if anybody on here as ever read Chances Are ... by "Matt Summers".

To say that it is unorthodox would be an understatement. Very often it promotes deviating from basic strategy for instance, chapter 20 is on "Splitting Tens"! Now while it provides odds on some of the so called 50/50 hands I've always been interested in like "why do you hit a 12 against a 3" the fact that some of the advice is so out there like "don't hit 15/16 against a dealer's ten". I'm wondering how this book even got published?

It does not promote counting either which doesn't matter to me b/c all the casinos where I live have installed AS since before the pandemic. The only game you can possibly count where I live is SP21 and I've yet to find a coherent level 1 count system that is easier to use than what I previously read in Katrina Walker's book that is still too complicated for me.