Quote Originally Posted by Overkill View Post
Why would airlines care if we have been vaccinated if vaccines dont prevent transmission?

I wear masks, but they may not work. Some believe its like trying to keep a fly from coming into a yard surrounded by chained linked fence.

Finally, even if the virus was not started with malicious intent, the current vaccine 'movement' 'feels' (I know, weak, right?) nefarious. Conspiracy? Perhaps. But it feels like the media is using fear to persuade people to act. "New Strain Discovered in Amazon Basin Has Scientists Concerned - News at 11" (sarcasm). Possible unconscious 'conspiracy': media makes money from dramatic, fear-inducing stories. Wouldnt it be nice to read a 'boring' headline entitled: "Vaccines Working Better Than Expected" or ""Lots of Cities Have Access to Vaccines!"

Also, I cant reject the possibility of, for example, 112 variants requiring 18 different vaccines by 2023. Any end in sight? Similarly, for example, do you guys know how many vaccines are recommended for today's youth? A LOT! At the same time, I read something about how the likelihood of dying, from, say, tetanus, is about 100,000,000 to one (please dont quote me on the exact claim - look it up.).

These Coronavirus vaccinations are understandably but still hastitly (comparatively) being produced. You guys are all about the long-term, but we have no idea of possible serious side effects from vaccination. And this virus is extremely survivable. Its a lot to ask a 30 year-old healthy male, for instance, to get vaccinated.
The coronavirus exist because of the kind of people like you. I wouldn't be surprise you have the COVID yourself.