.......am I doing something wrong.

Some background. Zee, asked a question about splitting 2's thru 7's against dealer 8. I'm only interested in the 7's vs 8 split for a double deck game. Now Wong in Professional Blackjack in the tables in the back of the book list the index numbers for single deck and 4 deck games for splitting 7's vs 8. However, he doesn't have a chart for a 2 deck game. It has been said in the past to use Wong's 4 deck charts for 2 decks.

Now you can also see index numbers in Norm's CVBJ. I went into CVBJ and from the Menu selected Options, then Settings, and from the Basic Rules tab checked 2 decks, double on any hand, double after split, and dealer hits soft17. From there went to Menu selected Strategies, then Playing Strategies (simple) and choose Basic Strategies. I looked at both the Composite and Complete strategies. Then you can hit the display tables for your playing strategy. In both cases in CVBJ for 2 deck the strategy for 7,7 vs 8 is no split while the basic strategy chart at BlackjackInfo says to split.

I must point out I haven't really read the manual for CVBJ, at the most just a quick glance. If you just play with CVBJ for a while it is pretty easy to understand. Please don't say read the damn manual. I just want the right answer for 2 deck game.