My friend and I went to Vegas together a little over 2 years ago. I checked into 2 different comped hotels to collect offers from each casino. Our main room was one of the CET properties on the strip (I think Paris maybe) and our second room was at the Tropicana IIRC. My friend is single, so I made it VERY clear to him that in the event he meets anyone and wants to take them back to the room, he better not bring anyone back to Paris, the room that had cash in it! I made it explicitly clear that the only two people that were allowed in our room at Paris was only me and him. I told him if he ended up hooking up with anyone, he was more than welcome to take them to our second hotel at the south end of the strip. I think I had 30 or 40K with me that trip, so I didn't want to take any chances. We ended up hanging out the whole time anyway, so it was never an issue. But I made that rule clear from the get go because I've heard that those hotel safes are not really that secure.

Solo player is definitely lucky he didn't have more stolen. Many of the APs that I know would be carrying at least 20K or more, and in most cases, much more. If that had been the case of Solo player, that trip could have been extremely disastrous. Not to say that doesn't suck already... but I think it could have been so much worse!